Apple Mac Pro Tower - 3.5GHz 8‑core Intel Xeon W processor, 32GB (4x8GB) of DDR4 ECC memory
3.5GHz 8‑core Intel Xeon W processor *32GB (4x8GB) of DDR4 ECC memory *512GB SSD storage *macOS *Best Suited For: Entertainment
Extreme performance. By design. For many pros, a high-performance graphics architecture is critical to their workflows. Especially for tasks like animating 3D film assets, compositing 8K scenes and building lifelike gaming environments. To give them the highest possible performance and take graphics capabilities to a new level, something groundbreaking was required. Introducing the Mac Pro Expansion Module, or MPX Module.
Apple One (1) Year Limited Warranty (from apple authorized service provider(AASP)) Service Locations:
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